

This documentation site is generated from markdown (md) files using Hugo static site generator. Sugar Apps Platform contains the necessary tooling to keep the documentation up-to-data.


You can run the documentation website locally and see the results live when saving new or updated documentation files. All md files are stored under /docs/content. Check the current files and structure as an example how to organize the hierarchy. Pay special attention to the headers on top of each md file.

To start your local documentation server:

make stargate-docs-dev

Keep the above process running and point your browser to http://localhost:8888. You can test changing a file and you will notice that your local documentation site will automatically reload and show you the new content.


You can store images under /docs/static/images. Feel free to create sub directories for proper organization. When embedding an images, note that you need to supply a path relative from the static directory. For example /images/multiverse.jpg for the file /docs/static/images/multiverse.jpg.

Publish Changes

Once you have reviewed your documentation contributions, simply wrap it all up as any regular pull request against the multiverse repository. Once the pull request is merged into the master branch, a CD pipeline will kick in to automatically update the documentation and make it available for everyone.


The theme which is currently in use is Hugo Learn Theme. Please consult the markdown syntax reference on how different tags and annotations in md are displayed.